A Simpler Family Life: Simplicity Parenting

Today’s busier, faster, supersized society is waging an undeclared war… on childhood.

– Kim John Payne


Simplicity Parenting is a movement based on he work of educator and counsellor, Kim John Payne. It is a very practical, straightforward way of simplifying your family life so that you and your children can enjoy more ease, peace and fulfilment – all through the simple power of less and slowing down.


You can either read the book – it is broken down in a way that makes it easy to follow the chapters and put the principles into action in your home and life – or you can find a local course. I am currently signed up to the course run by Dorothy Marlen at the St Michael’s Steiner School in Hanworth.

Dorothy leads us through each chapter with gentleness and we are loving having a space to share with likeminded parents and to learn meditation techniques and prayers as well as practical simplifying and de-cluttering tips and exercises.


In a fast world that doesn’t seem to trust children’s power to unfold exactly as they should, at the pace that is right for them, it can be difficult to parent differently and to make a stand for a slower, more peaceful way of living.

Finding the Simplicity Parenting book and group has been deeply nurturing and sanity-saving for me – and affirming. At the moment, I am in the middle of a new-year de-cluttering and toy-streamlining process and I feel so grateful because our house feels calmer. I feel like everything is more manageable and I am finding an even-deeper level of trust in what feels like the most authentic and supportive path for our family.


Western culture often does not support natural, gentle unfolding, and this is such an important invitation and validation to parents wanting to choose a new way – baby step by baby step.

The revolution really does start at home, in small ways, and giving our children this start is so important. I am so grateful to feel supported and nurtured on my journey by this and look forward to further unfolding for me and my family.


Visit the Simplicity Parenting website to learn more. In particular, I highly recommend the work of Dorothy Marlen, who is a wonderful UK-based coach and Simplicity Parenting course leader.

HollieautumnAbout the author: Hollie Holden is a mum, writer and explorer of spirituality, personal growth and self-acceptance. She is a student of A Course in Miracles and the Enneagram. Hollie is particularly interested in how we can know how loved we are and how we can be kinder to ourselves. Visit Hollie’s blog and check out her Facebook page.


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